This is Binxy's Page - and here you will find more about Frencies too.
Binxy is a French Bulldog - at the time of writing he is 11 months old.
The Truth About Frenchies
We recently added a male French Bulldog puppy to our domestic scene. This is the true story of our Frenchie and the loss of tranquility that ensued.
We got a Frenchie as everything we had read indicated that a Frenchie is the IDEAL dog for us.
At least that is the myth. Well, not myth singular; Frenchies are surrounded by many myths:
Myth One – Frenchies are Calm Couch Potatoes Who Live Life at their Owner's Pace.
Frenchies are hyper. They chew everything they can get their teeth in to. They dig. They eat dead snails, dead lizards, weird seed pods, old wood chips covered in fungus. And, not surprisingly, the outcome is stomach issues resulting in puking and projectile diarrhea (has to be seen and heard to be appreciated).
Myth Two – Frenchies are Affectionate.
Frenchies are all about Frenchies. We figure in their lives as servants at best. A Frenchie will put all cats to shame with their haughty attitude. Frenchies are so busy being hyper, that they forget about us until they need something. Then: instant affection.
Myth Three – Frenchies are Small.
Frenchies weight ranges are approximate, as we can all understand, but our cute little Frenchie (who is not fat at all) is already heavier than the high end for the breed. Frenchies are solid muscle – muscle is heavier than fat – and our guy is not fat but boy is he heavy! At 11 months he weighs 31lb. But he is sooo small!?! Carrying a Frenchie is very good exercise indeed.
Myth Four – Frenchies want to Please.
As I typed that, I heard the evil villain laugh in my mind.
Frenchies don't care about pleasing us at all. We knew that Frenchies were stubborn, but that is not even close to the actual experience of Frenchies. Frenchies won't do ANYTHING unless they really want to.
Come? Don't make me laugh.
Stay? Mwahahaha.
Leave it? You are joking, right?
Go down? You mean jump up?
Myth Five – Frenchies are Cute.
When you see pictures of Frenchies you will always see this cute face with the wide smile and tongue lolling out. The reality is not like that at all. Most of the time the wide mouth just looks like a gaping maw filled with teeth (think Jaws). Our Frenchie has scared little girls and grown men equally with just his mouth open. He is also a jumper; imagine an open mouth full of teeth coming up at you at speed. Scary, right? Yes, very. Cute? Nope. Not at all.
Myth Six – Frenchies Play Well with Others.
The problem here is Frenchies LOVE to play. And they play HARD. They will run and run and run until they fall over. Any dog that does not want to play this way is chased and hassled – our Frenchie will bark at the other dogs to make them play at his pace. If he does not get his way he gets more assertive and angry with the other dogs. We have had to take our Frenchie away from a play area as he is annoying the other dogs so much.
Myth Seven – Frenchies are Quiet.
Frenchies don't bark often, they say. This is sort of correct. Our Frenchie will let us know if there is a stranger or if he sees something out of place. He will also bark at other dogs (see Myth Six) and us if he does not get his way.
Our Frenchie sees ghosts and barks at them – ghosts appear to be all over the place at night, particularly in reflections in glass doors or windows.
Galli Molossus
Binxy the French Bulldog
Binxy Photos